Monday, 10 February 2014

Ranked 3rd in the county for 1500m freestyle

Hi Guys, Sunday saw the first round of the Leicestershire County Championships held at Loughborough University. There were 2 events during the day, the girls/open 800m freestyle and the boys/open 1500m.

I was swimming as a Leicester Shark with my dad as coach for the swimmers we had there. It's been a year since I last did the 1500m and 2 years since I did it long course. I had a great swim, felt really relaxed and in control of everything, as a swimmer I rarely feel that much in control of the's usually fighting back :)

My time was 18:14:46, converted to short course is 17:55:5 which is only 4 secs away from my regional (Midlands) qualifying time. I pushed really hard so it was a nice surprise to see I was so close and even better to get Bronze in my age group making me 3rd in the county.

3rd Place 1500m Freestyle
Regional times sheet and Sports Systems conversion software

I'm looking forward to the full weekends of the Counties to start.....feelin' good!

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