Monday 24 June 2013

My TYR Alliance Team Backpack 2

The only bag I ever want to be poolside with, my TYR Alliance Team Backpack 2, i'd be lost without it and so would most of the swimmers around the world I think.

It's big, strong, it's got loads of pockets and it's cool to customise. Mine's only got the badge I got for swimming for my county, an ID tag that my dad made and Ross Davenport's and Melanie Marshall's autographs but the girls at the City of Leicester have lots of things hanging from thiers!

What have you got hanging on yours?, maybe +TYR Sport Inc. should start a "what's on yours" photo campaign on twitter and on google+, i'm sure they'd get loads of picture tagged on @TYRSport

Don't forget to follow me on twitter @swimmerjd

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