Thursday 3 October 2013

Leicester Penguins Open Meet

It's been a great start back to High School, i've been made a Sport's Ambassador at school which means I'll be part of a group travelling to primary schools encouraging and teaching younger children about sports, taking part and leadership....can't wait to get started!

I'm taking part in my first open meet of the season, this early on, it's only going to be a paddle!
The Leicester Penguins open meet is on Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th October but I'll only be going to the afternoon sessions on each day. I'll be going as a Leicester Shark which'll be different as I usually do all my open meets as the City of Leicester.

On Saturday i'll be doing 200 I.M & 100 B/S on the Sunday I'll be doing 200 & 400 F/C. Going on 2013's Regional Midlands qualifying times, I'm only 3.5 secs off my 200 F/C and 4.4 secs 400 F/C 14 year old qualifying times (i'm 13 years old). This meet is only to see where i am after a few weeks aerobic training which is always the case this early on a season....i'm really looking forward to the 200 F/C

Thanks for reading and I'll catch-up with you guys after the weekend

James :)

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